iPad Rollout tips

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Great Resource, with a great resource!

I just love IEAR - i Education Apps Review.  Not the prettiest or flashiest site, but it contains wonderful resources to track down good apps - all the entries there are posted by real educators and are organized by grade level.  So many great ideas and in a nicely organized fashion. There are so many apps out there, its nice to be able to take advice from those who have been there, done that.

I found a page there linking to a blogger named Tony Vincent, who posted three great items for schools to ponder as they consider an iPad or other iOS device.  Proper planning and attention to infrastructure, logistics and workflow are critical to success.  Mistakes made early, caused by poor planning can cost big money, and make it difficult to have a successful program.  I recommend anyone considering iPads follow this link and read the three articles.

Another essential bit of reading -  Apples iOS 6 education deployment guide.  It is Apples handbook so to speak about iOS deployment.  A great resource. Unfortunately - you don't know what you don't know, so reading it doesn't adequately prepare you for a rollout. I always recommend doing a cart pilot first to familiarize yourself with the process.  What you know after that - makes these resources a whole lot more useful!  Good luck!  These devices can revolutionize learning!  They can put the power into the hands of the students and teachers - a major shift in education technology!

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